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©1997-2024 Songwaves
Hold Your Balloon

Suzy the Sea Turtle wants you to know
Hold your balloon, and don’t let it go
Up in the sky, because it could be
Trouble for turtles down in the sea.

If your balloon goes up in the sky
Up it will go 'til it’s up very high.
Into the WHOOSH of the wind so fast
Zooming along – freedom at last!

Over the city, the beach and the bay
Out to the ocean far, far away.
Finally it’s time for the long, long drop
Down to the water, and in with a PLOP.

Suzy the Sea Turtle wants you to know
Hold your balloon, and don’t let it go
Up in the sky, because it could be
Trouble for turtles down in the sea.

Drifting along with a bright colored swish
A sea turtle thinks it’s a nice jellyfish.
“Hey,” says the turtle, “the best meal in town.”
He grabs that balloon, and gobbles it down.

“OUCH,” says the turtle, “I’m sure outta luck
I thought it was dinner, but now it is stuck.”
A turtle in trouble, a sad thing to be
So don’t let balloons fly to the sea.

Suzy the Sea Turtle wants you to know
Hold your balloon, and don’t let it go
Up in the sky, because it could be
Trouble for turtles down in the sea.

Hold your balloon, and don’t let it be
Trouble for turtles down in the sea.

 © 2002 Suzanne Niles